Fineotex Chemical 35% return & Updated call

Dear blog Readers,

             Fineotex Chemical was recommended on 02/11/2017 at 38.35 level

Link of old call :-

             Stock has made new 52 week  high of 51 and achieved First target of 50 in just 1.5 months ....

 Which is around 35% returns from Recommended Level 

. . . . .  I am seeing more upside of upto 60,70 within short to medium term.

1) Investor Analyst meet was held on 21/12/17 & 15/12/17. Many big investors like Prabhudas Liladhar, Ashmore investment, Cask Capital, First Eagle wealth Advisors, Sequent Investments & Jefferies India meet up and discussed about company business.

2) Company has been awarded as "The fastest growing company in chemical manufacturing sector by IPF"Thanks

3) Investor Presentation

Happy Investing......


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