Kriti Nutrients

Kriti Nutrients (Code 533210)

cmp 21.60
Market Cap 101 Cr
PE 12.82
FV - 1
Promoter Holding :- 66% 

Company Profile :- 

Kriti Group is a reputed manufacturer of plastic polymer piping systems,blow moulded plastic products and premium quality refined soyabean products with a loyal customer base both in India and Internationally.The greater part of the product’s manufacturing is based in Central India with a branch in the region.The group sells branded products for domestic consumption as well as exports.

👷 Kriti group is divided in three industries 

1. Kriti Industries

Kriti’s extensive manufacturing facilities at Pithampur consists of cutting edge technologies and infrastructure spread over 1,32,000 sq. meters. Following superior technology in Extrusion & Injection Molding, form a solid base for Kriti’s high tech products for giving best quality to its customer. Kriti Industries (India) Limited, Kriti Nutrients Limited & Kriti Auto & Engineering Plastics Pvt. Ltd. spread acroos thousands of sq. meters in industrial towns of Pithampur (M.P.), Dewas (M.P.) & Ranjangaon near Pune (Maharashtra).

2. Kriti Nutrients

The soya plant is located at Dewas, with an area of 60520 sq. meters with its modern infrastructure and technically advanced machinery comprising of an Alfa Laval refinery, ion exchange R.O. Plant for water purification, Fluidized bed boilers, effluent treatment plant and skilled man power manufacturing Refined Oil, Soya Flour.

3. Kriti Auto & Engineering Plastics Pvt. Ltd.

The Engineering Plastic Division is a single point solution for all plastic moulding and assembly requirements for customers. Kriti has already been established itself as a preferred source and a world-class defined manufacturer of automobile and white good manufacturers in the region.

Financial :- 

  • By Analsing Company past 3-4 yeras result , Company is giving best result every year
  • Sales is increasing, other income increasing.
  • Net Profit stood 6.31in March 2017
  • Recently Company posted it's Q1 FY18 result. Company has posted Excellent result on Q1. Approximately 100% increase in net profit.
  • Net profit stood 3.16 Cr. in Q1 FY18 against 1.53 Cr. in Q1 FY17.
  • EPS increased from 0.31 to 0.63
  • Stock can touch new 52 week high or more.... 

Happy Investing
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 Before buying any stock take advice from certified person


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  1. Hi Sir, Can we but it at CMP.

    1. U again missed... 30% up in 2 days.... Accumulate around 25-26


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