GPT infra

GPT infra projects Ltd
Cmp 172

Market cap 500 Cr
Face value 10
PE 47
52 Week High/Low = 299 / 121
Promoter holding

Company Overview :- 

GPT Infraprojects Limited, the flagship company of the GPT Group is a premier Infrastructure company based out of Kolkata, India engaged in the execution of civil and infrastructure projects and manufacture of concrete sleeper for Railways. The entity has strong project execution capabilities, a healthy financial base, and enviable growth prospects across all areas of operation.
The shares of the Company are listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited.
The manufacturing units of the company are located at Panagarh (Dist Burdwan, West Bengal, India), Ladysmith (KZN, South Africa) and Tsumeb (Namibia).
The Company is an ISO 9001:2000 certified organization. The Panagarh unit of the Company is approved by Research Design and Standards Organization (RDSO), Ministry of Railways, India.
Two separate Divisions 
1) Sleeper Division                                                                               2) Infrastructure Division

  • Company  bagged an order of Rs 210 crore, last month, The contract is awarded by Office of the Superintending Engineer, Public Works (Roads) Directorate, Government of West Bengal. 
  • The order is for the construction of Railway over Bridge (ROB) and its approaches in lieu of Level Crossing on NH-60 and construction of ROB and its approaches in lieu of Unmanned Level Crossings on NH-60 in West Bengal.

Financials :- 

  • Company has posted net profit of  4.44 Cr.  Has grown at 21% vs 3.02 Cr. in previous quarter. 
  • EPS 3.05 vs 2.08 in FY17

Technicals :- 

Key Points why we Like this stock :-
  • Porinju veliyath owned PMS equity intelligence owns 6.40 Lakh shares
  • Regular Dividend paying company 
  • Profit and revenue increasing YOY
  • Recent and future infrastructure boom will beneficial to company 
  • Company has very good order book. 

The stock can touch 200,225 Levels in short term.. As global scenario is worst,  keep 140 as Stop loss.

Happy Investing
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 Before buying any stock take advice from certified person


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  1. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
    GPT infra new 52 week high 181.90

    179.00 + (+3.50%)

    Day H/L : 181.90/171.60
    52wk H/L: 181.90/96.02
    Volume : 37532.00

  2. is it currently open call ?
    should i buy ?

    1. Yes. Call is open.. Actually all calls are open... I Regularly update new Targets and news regarding my Stocks....

  3. GPT Infraprojects' subsidiary Jogbani Highway Private Limited has been awarded a claim of approximately Rs 62 crore by the 3 member Arbitral Tribunal unanimously

  4. This Information is really good and informative. Thanks for it.
    Check below links and get useful information.
    Rural & Semi-Urban Market
    Midcap & Smallcap Stocks


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