EID PARRY (India) Ltd. - A monsoon pick

Dear Blog readers,
. . . . . The monsoon season has knocked our doors from 01st of June.  There are many core sectors and stocks which will beneficial from good monsoon like Fertilizers stocks,  Tractor stocks,  FMCG,  Agricultural products,  Pesticide stocks, Agri-commodities stocks,  Agri chemicals.

. . . .   So i have chosen one stock from Combination of 3 sectors,  which is in Fertiliser - Sugar-Pesticide all in one sector..

The stock name is EID PARRY(India)  Ltd

Company profile:-
Eid parry is from well known Murugappa Group. It is among top five sugar producers in India.

Parry (India) Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing of sugar and bio products.The product range of the company include Sugars,Bio Products- the company is a world leader in the plant extract based bio pesticides business.Nutraceuticals- Under this, the company has product portfolio that includes astaxanthin and haematococeus algae, natural mixed carotenoids, Astaxanthin and Lutein (all carotenoid products).

Major Investments in equity capital of other companies are as below:
Coromandel International Limited - Holding by E.I.D-Parry - 62.02% 
Coromandel International Limited is in the business segments of Fertilizers, Speciality Nutrients, Crop Protection and Retail. Coromandel manufactures a wide range of fertilizers and markets around 2.9 million tons making it a leader in its addressable markets and the second largest phosphatic fertilizer player in India. E.I.D-Parry (India) Ltd holds 62.86% of the equity stake in Coromandel International Limited 

Parrys Sugar Industries Limited - Holding by E.I.D-Parry - 65%
Recently Parry sugar has been merged in Eid parry. 

Parry Sugars Refinery India Private Limited (formerly Silkroad Sugar Private Limited) - Holding by EID Parry - 100%

Stock Information :-
Cmp 329
Market cap :-5806 Cr
PE :- 11.15
EPS :- 29.61
Face value :- 1
Book value :-73.10
Promoter holding 45.23%

Financial :- The company has posted Net profit of 283 Cr in FY 17 YOY against net Loss of -66.45 Cr.  In FY 16 YOY.. 

The company's revenue also increased from 2310 Cr to 2476 cr in FY 17.
Debt to equity ratio is 0.47 in FY17 and was 0.63 in FY 16. Company has reduced debt

Technical details :-
The stock is on the verge of Symmetrical Triangle Breakout.  Recently stock has made double Top and after consolidation it reached to 329.
Major Breakout will seen above 335 in near term

The stock is looking very attractive as a special monsoon stock.

One can invest in this stock as Monsoon season for Targets of 350,365 with stop loss of 310 on closing basis. 


This is a personal blog and presents entirely personal views on stock market for only education purpose. Any statement made in this blog is merely an expression of my personal opinion. These informations are sourced from publicly available data. By using/reading this blog you agree to (i) not to take any investment decision or any other important decisions based on any information, opinion, suggestion, expressions or experience mentioned or presented in this blog (ii) Any investment decisions taken if any would be his/hers sole responsibility. (iii) the author of this blog is not responsible. 


  1. Eid parry trading at 371 on 03/11/17...Day's High 375....Made new 52 week high 382.90 Recently and Achieved all targets......



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