Alufluoride Limited :- Recycling Waste

Dear Blog Readers,
I am here with new Company Stock for Short to Medium Term perspective investment.

Name of Stock :- Alufluoride Ltd.

Company Overview :- 

Alufluoride Limited started the project in 1993 for producing Aluminium Fluoride and related products. The project was completed in record time at a cost of Rs.200 million. Trial runs commenced in Nov, 1994 and a quality product was produced during December, 1994. Supplies started immediately thereafter to primary Aluminium smelters. The Company increased the production year after year maintaining high quality standards. The Company has an installed production capacity of 5000 tons of Aluminium Fluoride per year and plans to expand further.

Aluminium Fluoride – a high purity, free flowing and dust free powder, is produced with modern technology by reacting dry Alumina Hydrate with Hydro-fluosilicic acid, generated from the fluorine recovery unit of the adjoining fertilizer complex. Fluorine gases, otherwise an effluent are scrubbed with water to produce Hydro-fluosilicic acid - thus converting "Waste Into Wealth". 

This technology offers a minimum of 95% purity of Aluminium Fluoride. The product is well adapted to modern point feeding systems. Experienced professionals manage Manufacturing and QC operations. Production facilities are being optimized year after year to achieve higher productivity with better quality and economy in production costs.

This technology of Hydro-fluosilicic acid does not require any materials to be procured from abroad and thus is cost effective. Use of this technology helps in conserving critical natural raw material resources like Fluorspar and Sulphur used to produce Aluminium Fluoride with an alternate process technology.

During the production process of Aluminium Fluoride, two by-products - Silica and Calcium Fluoride are generated and these are also being used in chemical industry. Mother liquor from the process of Aluminium Fluoride is recycled to a fertilizer complex as a 

measure of water conservation.
Alufluoride enjoys a good reputation in domestic and overseas markets.

Major Aluminium smelters in India and abroad have been using the Company's Aluminium Fluoride regularly with increased quantities year after year.

Information from Company website :-

Technical details:- 
Cmp 64
Face value 10
Market cap 45.05 cr
Book Value 32.73
PE 12.57
ROE 11.86

This FY16-17 Company declared net profit YOY 3.58 Cr.  Against 2.16 in Last FY 15-16....also this profit id highest in Last 5 Years.. 

Promoter holding 52.94% is quite Good. No share pledged.. 

 Company's 1 Year Return 197.92%

Outperformed Sector By 175.02% and Sensex By 180.86%

The company hardly has any interest cost
This signifies that debt on company's books is very low

At the current stock price of 64, Alufluoride has Fair Valuation. Over the previous quarter, valuation has improved

I am expecting ALUFLUORIDE stock will touch it's 52 week high of 76.20 in short term while 90,100 do Target can see in Long Term with Stop loss od 50 on closing basis.. 

Happy Investing.... 

The only purpose is to make aware all investors about the company....The information provided here is from all public source available on Internet and Company website. 


This is a personal blog and presents entirely personal views on stock market for only education purpose. Any statement made in this blog is merely an expression of my personal opinion. These informations are sourced from publicly available data. By using/reading this blogyou agree to(i) not to take any investment decision or any other important decisions based on any information, opinion, suggestion, expressions or experience mentioned or presented in this blog (ii) Any investment decisions taken if any would be his/hers sole responsibility. The author is not responsible for any Loss occured due to this investment.  (iii) the author of this blog is not responsible. 


  1. Already given in blog. Please read carefully and follow Stop Loss accordingly

  2. Hey, add me in your whatsapp group 9029657686

  3. Alufluoride Ltd - Q1

    Net Sales up from 8.10 Cr to 14.56 Cr

    Net Profit up from -0.37 Cr (Loss) to 1.08 Cr (Profit)

    Zero Debt Co

  4. pl add me in your group..9999895364

  5. This Information is really good and informative. Thanks for it.
    Check below links and get useful information.
    Nahar Polyfilms Ltd
    Pradeep Metals Ltd


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