Dear Blog Readers,

Manugraph India
Is looking good right now.

Market Cap.: ₹ 173.58 Cr.

Current Price: ₹ 56.50

Book Value: ₹ 71.61

Stock P/E: 133.54

Dividend Yield: 1.75%

Face Value: ₹ 2.00

Listed on BSE and NSE

- Company has reduced debt.
- Company is virtually debt free.
- Stock is trading at 0.80 times its book value
- Company has been maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 31.05%
Company website

Fundamentally and Technically Manugraph India is looking Good. 

This is a personal blog and presents entirely personal views on stock market. Any statement made in this blog is merely an expression of my personal opinion. These informations are sourced from publicly available data. By using/reading this blog you agree to (i) not to take any investment decision or any other important decisions based on any information, opinion, suggestion, expressions or experience mentioned or presented in this blog (ii) Any investment decisions taken if any would be his/hers sole responsibility. (iii) the author of this blog is not responsible. 


  1. Made high of 62 today
    59.75 +4.65 (+8.44%)

    Day H/L : 62.00/55.40
    52wk H/L: 64.20/41.30
    Volume : 316019.00

  2. Replies
    1. Jai Ganesh! ShreeRaghavendrayah namah! Buy for record highs

  3. Jai Ganesh! Hare Shreenivasa! Buy call always

  4. Jai Ganesh! Buy call is given, will it hit upper circuit tommorow

  5. Jai Ganesh!The rationale for the merger of Transferor Companies with the
    Tmnsferee Company is, as under:
    . Consolidation of subsidiary of MIL thereby resulting in reduction of
    number of entities in the Group, direct ownership of assets of the
    subsrdiart dnd op 'mLd ion olddmrnrsrrd i\e, o<rs:
    . Consolidation and reorganization of the promoter holding in MIL
    thercbv simplifying shareholdins structure;
    . long term stability and transparency in the holding structure of
    MlL: and
    . Demonstrate the promote/s group direct commitment to and
    engagement with MIL.Hare Sheenivasa!


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