Aksh optifibre (Multibagger stock)

Aksh optifibre (Next Multibagger stock)

face value :- 5 rs.
Market cap :- 395 cr.
Book value :- 27.40

Company profile :- AKSH OPTIFIBRE LIMITED is a 27 year old company which started manufacturing of optical fibre andoptical fibre cables (OFC) in 1994. In 1996-97 Aksh acquired Fibre Reinforced Plastic Rods (FRP) business which is a key raw material for Optical Fibre Cables. AKSH went Public in the year 2000 and is listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

AKSH Edge: The two key raw materials, optical fibreand FRP rod, constituting 70% of cost of optical fibre cables are manufactured in-house. This makes Aksh as one of the most cost effective optical fibre cable manufacturer. Also, Aksh is now the largest FRP rodproducer, supplying to all optical fibre cable manufacturers in 56 countries across six continents.

All the manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified . Aksh specialize in manufacturing of various optical fibre cables like aerial, duct, armoured, indoor and outdoor FTTH drop cables meeting all the International ITU-T standards.

The International turnkey projects:
Bhutan : Aksh Optifibre Limited has been awarded "Turnkey Liveline Installation of 2600 Km of All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) optical fibre cable by Bhutan Power Corporation Limited(BPCL). ADSS Project Phase I for connecting all District headquarters & 131 Gewogs (Group of Villages) is completed. On this successful completion, Government of Bhutan awarded Package II (ADSS project Phase II) in 2012 under National Broadband Master Plan to connect remaining 74 Gewogs of Bhutan to achieve the 100% connectivity to all parts of the country. This project will be completed by March 2014.

Mauritius Project :In Mauritius, Aksh has received contract from BTL Mauritius to supply and install FTTH triple play equipments. Aksh has already installed 800 Km of optical fibre cables and the FTTH services have started with a modest customer base.

Major Clients :- 

Client list includes internet giants like facebook, google,
 amazon web services, microsoft and many other business giants .
Their esteemed clients also include optical fibre giants like ,
draka, prysmian, nexan, fujikura, and furukawa

Key points why it may be multibagger:-

  • Major client list
  • Unique products and Attachment with Government of India's Unique AAdhar card Project.
  • Cmp is lesa than book value.
  • within short time Aksh optifibre will aquire 100% stack of Unitap mandovi ltd.
  •  http://rtn.asia/g-g/20841/aksh-optifibre-complete-acquisition-unitape-within-15-20-days 
  • Company is planning to diversify business.
  • Aksh has sought shareholders nod for full-fledge entry in to business of                                            “all types and description of lighting products and its fixtures” including incandescent lamps, CFL, tube lights, LED lights, solar products, including solar lanterns, solar lights and its fixtures.
  • The company is also looking to venture in to providing financial technologies like biometric, smart card, magnetic card, EMV Card, one time password, bank pins and development of India’s payment system industry, providing software application, data management, cash management etc.


Buy at cmp of 23.50.  This share will reach 25, 27, 30 within month.

Hold for Multibagger return of 3x to 5x in Long term.



  1. Hi. From where did you get this information? Is it from the annual report?
    Why did u think stock was so down. Was it due to petition in HC?

    1. There is no any authentic news regarding court matter. Its all on MMB. Hold tight for good gain. some good announcements and ventures likely to be announced on 24 september AGM

    2. http://rtn.asia/g-g/20841/aksh-optifibre-complete-acquisition-unitape-within-15-20-days

  2. Aksh is a pioneer in manufacturing of raw materials for optical fibre cables. AKSH is globally recognized for high quality FRP rods (Fibre reinforced plastic), ARP rods(Aramid reinforced plastic) and WB & NWB Glass yarn (water blocking Yarn) giving the best reinforcement and strength to optical fibre cables.

    Aksh is expanding its business by aquiring 100% stake in Unitap mandovi pvt. ltd. which is UK based Unitap's subsidiary manufactures FRP rods

  3. Aksh Optifibre E-Mitra Projects working successfully


  4. Aksh Optifibre Broadband Projects working successfully


  5. 24/09/2016 AGM News


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. i dont found any major news in aksh agm pls update and mail me dev2shah@gmail.com

  6. I would say CMI is in the same field and is much better than the aksh optifibre

  7. u can follow me on moneycontrol forum and my id is investnow4future. I would give multibagger there. GTL infra was given at 2.43 and now 5.5
    fiberweb given at 22 now 120+. Go to my profile and see the stock recommendation.

  8. Conclusion:-

    Buy at cmp of 23.50. This share will reach 25, 27, 30 within month.

    Hold for Multibagger return of 3x to 5x in Long term.


    See tghe conclusion of the blog . And 2nd target 27 achieved in 40 days.

  9. This financial there is an exceptional item loss of 7.41 Cr roughly with balances write off of tune to 5.5 Cr. ... Any idea what it is

  10. This stock price is falling now. Is your opinion on this stock still the same?

  11. Replies
    1. Is there any good news? Do you know the reason for its sudden rise?


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